Friday, September 08, 2006


If I'd posted anything on Wednesday it would have been that everything sucks as it was the first day back at school for all the kids and I was just wrecked and having a bad day in general.... and I'd lost my keys to all the classrooms and lab etc. after the second day- the day after we had a massive lecture from the deputy head about looking after our keys etc. etc..... HOW COOL DID I FEEL????

Well today is Friday and Im in the best mood ever! Ive started walking to Ealing to catch the bus to work, instead of catching the bus up there and changing.... the weather is really nice- despite being a bit cold in the mornings and evenings.... My keys turned up in some random classroom I don't even go into (someone must have picked them up which is really really annoying, actually!) AND my tax return had just been paid so Im rich rich rich (probably only for a few months hehehehe!)


Things are on the up : )


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