Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Its been a bad day

According to AA Insurance, the 27th of November is supposed to be the unluckiest day of the year, in terms of claims etc...

Heres the list of stuff that happened to me yesterday to prove it

  1. I woke up at 3am in the morning and didn't get back to sleep
  2. The lightbulb went when I was in the shower, thus having a shower in the dark
  3. Got to the end of the road, just to see my bus pull away
  4. I fell over in football and grazed both elbows and knee which was all bloody
  5. I over-cooked my porridge and it was all stodgy and gross
  6. I then subsequently got deliberately elbowed in the boob by some bitch in the opposition
  7. I had to wait over 20 minutes for a Heathrow tube on the way home from football at Green Park

My friend Sorchas, boyfriends car also got broken into yesterday- they had a whole heap of stuff in it as they were moving that morning.


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