Friday, August 04, 2006

Old skool TV

Back when I was a moody, broody teenager I regularly watched Party of Five, it was generally my weekly cry and usually after every eposide I would ring my friend Yvette and we would be all sniffley and talk about the episode.

So imagine how happy I was to discover that abc1 are showing Party of Five EVERYDAY WEEKDAY from 9am!! Yay for school holidays, I have watched it constantly..... absolutely brilliant. Apart from the fact that its quite depressing and isn't good for my overall mood for the day. Ah well it was good stuff.

I definitely think Matthew Fox is much hotter in Lost cf his floppy hair and flanellette-style shirt in Party of Five...

Love that shirty Matty!!! We all did love Scott Wolf too innit!!?

Much better!

Now all we need is re-runs of Roswell... god that was my favourite show!


Didn't we all love Michael!! And I cried so much when Alex died! Maybe there'll be re-runs as Tess the evil alien is now Claire in Lost. I SO HOPE SO!!!!